Monday, June 15, 2009

Job Interview

I have a job interview w/the school district on Mon, 6/22 at 7:15am for a ft special ed. paraprofessional! I have no clue how many ppl are being interviewed. Pray that God's will be done.


Monday, June 8, 2009

Employment Update

Hey everyone!
Eddie called from work today. They found out that 22 ppl have signed on for the early retirement package so we THINK that means they won't be doing a lay off....but we're not 100% sure about that.

In other news, they are shutting down the plant from Aug 17-Oct 5. They are going to kick in some money towards insurance. I think Eddie will get about 70% of his normal pay.

So, it's not looking great. But, I think it will all be okay. We'll just keep doing what we can to save up and be wise. Which means the girls bday party will consist of just pb&j probably and I'll make the cakes. It also means that I really need to find a job, too. So, keep praying about that. I'll be sending out more apps soon.

I'm not really that concerned about it. Maybe I should be. But, we've been through enough rough times for me to know that we'll make it. God will allow us to walk through the tough times but He'll walk through it with us.