My mind has been on friendship for a long time now. I've been thinking about it a lot and I was ready to start complaining here about friends but I think I'll list the things that I love about my friends, instead.
1. It doesn't matter what time of day or night it is, I know I can count on my friends to be there if I need them.
2. My friends don't care if I'm fat, thin, pretty, ugly, fashionable, mismatched, rich, or poor, they know the real me and accept me as I am.
3. My friends aren't afraid to tell me like it is, in love, and to help steer me toward truth.
4. My friends are willing to be open and honest and share their hurts and let me try to help them through their trials.
5. If I call them, they call me back.
6. If I contact them, through email, FB, or other means, they take the time to get back to me.
7. Even though their lives are hectic, they make time for me.
8. When they say they'll do something, they do it. I can count on them.
9. If we don't always agree on something, it's ok. We don't need to agree.
10. They're not afraid to be real and deep. It's ok to show each other that we don't have it all together.
That's just some of the things that I love about my friends. I am so thankful that God has placed some true friends in my life and I am honored to be their friend. I hope that as my life goes through various stages, that my friendships will grow, too. I hope that I can reach out in love and make new friends and even strengthen the bonds of existing friendships. If you're a friend of mine as you read this, thank you for being you and being part of my life. What a blessing a friendship can be in this world!