Monday, November 9, 2009


I worked on Sat from 12-5 but afterwards, we decided to make it a movie night. We ate supper while we watched Madagascar and then had some snacks, too. It was nice to chill out together! The kids did a sleepover (w/TRex of course) in Amanda's room and they did pretty well with it! They usually drive us nuts with the loudness but they kept it pretty quiet! I think they were exhausted!

On Sunday, we skipped church and went to Middle Creek. We hiked around for about an 1 1/2 hrs and enjoyed the smells of Autumn! We took butt loads of snacks w/us, which the kids seemed to need every 10 minutes!

After we got home, we all had some lunch and then me and Amanda made some honey cookies. David and Michaela helped a little bit but they spent most of the time playing with their friend, Justin. After the cookies were done, and supper was done, we ended up coloring together and playing Cranium Cariboo. Overall, it was a very nice weekend and it was good to spend some quality time together.

I miss weekends like that. I think I am going to talk with one of the managers at work and see if I can start getting some more day time hours. I've really hated being away from the family at night and the kids feel it, too. My attitude has been really, really, bad lately so it would be nice if maybe I can get some day time hours. The only problem w/that is finding sitters though. It's not an easy situation. I'm trying to look on the positive side but there hardly seems to be one. Anyhow, before I start sinking myself deeper into my funk, I'll end here and go enjoy a cup of coffee.

Thanks for being patient w/me. I know I've not been the easiest person to be around. I don't even want to be around myself! Now, that's bad!

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