Friday, May 14, 2010

It's been quite a long time since I've written anything in here. There have been a few times when I thought I might write a new entry but then decided it would just be a bunch of complaining so I decided not to bother.

Not a whole lot has happened since November. We've had our ups and downs but nothing out of the least OUR ordinary.

The kids are wrapping up another school year. I'm very ready to be done with it. There's been a lot of turmoil this year with one thing and another and I'm ready to put it behind us for good. It's hard to believe though that come next year, Michaela will be entering her last year of elementary school. Time goes so fast. David will be a 2nd grader and little Amanda will be in 1st. It shouldn't be too much of a change for her since she did all day K this year. She'll be familiar w/the cafeteria already and the longer school day. I thought about homeschooling next year to avoid some of the crap from this year but I'm not sure about that yet. I haven't even talked it over w/Eddie at all. That's not so unusual though, we see so little of each other. Sometimes I wish he were on FB so we can stay in touch easier. How sad is that?

Anyway, I'm looking forward to Summer so much. I need that time w/the family. Eddie will be on another 10 wk shut down starting June 24 or so and I'll just be working pt at Weavers so we'll have time to reconnect as a family. I'm not sure what all we'll end up doing but it will just be nice to be together and not have any time constraints on us (bedtime, homework, etc). I'm also looking forward to reconnecting w/a lot of other friends and family. There have been so many ppl that we haven't been in touch with b/c of our crazy schedules. I'm looking forward to investing ourselves back into the lives of other people.

Well, my head is throbbing so I'm gonna take a nap I think. I have a lot more to say but I'm not sure how much of it I should say. Does that make sense? Life is a battle and I'm feeling a little beat up so I probably should just keep quiet for now.

Until next time.....

1 comment:

  1. Hey friend! Hope you're feeling better. I'm glad you posted on your blog! You've been missed!
