Tuesday, June 1, 2010


Signs that Summer is near:

1. The kids are more distracted than usual during their homework time.
2. Suppertime has been bumped from 5:30 to 7:30p.m.
3. Children are awake past 8:00 p.m.
4. Lightening Bugs have seen a decline in life expectancy due to over zealous little fingers.
5. It's hot outside past 7pm
6. It's hot outside by 9 a.m.
7. The flowers are flowering, and so are the weeds.
8. You see some of your neighbors for the first time since Winter set in.
9. There seem to be extra children in your yard and extra noise but that's OK b/c at least that means they are outside.
10. Taking a bath before bed sometimes means just washing muddy, grass stained feet and dirt encrusted hands and watermelon stained smiles and chins.
11. It rains and there's thunder and lightening along with it.
12. It is warm enough to be in the rain in a swimsuit (or tee shirt and shorts)
13. The pool water might be 64 degrees but it doesn't matter b/c you've been out in the 90 degree weather playing in the garden and the children were out playing tag.
14. There are numerous movie days and field trips at school.
15. The book bags are emptier than normal of homework and fuller than normal of finished art work and crafts.
16. You've been making smores over the fire pit and not in the microwave.
17. The band aid supply is dwindling b/c that stunt on the bike w/the mulch pile ALMOST worked and the belly flop onto the swing w/a wet bathing suit just didn't quite take.
18. You found a football in the top of the grape vines
19. The circus has come to town.
20. The Fair has come to town, too.
21. Instead of normal street traffic, there's the increasingly common sound of mowers, edgers, chainsaws, weed eaters, and ice cream trucks.
22. It's 9:00p.m and the kids are still awake and you just don't care.

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