Saturday, August 13, 2011

Here comes Fall

Fall is a month away. Yet, I find myself getting excited to greet my favorite season.  I'm ready for crisp Fall air.  I'm ready to breathe in the smell of colored leaves and hear the crunch of leaves under foot.  I thought that instead of writing about all the reasons I embrace Fall, I'd post some pictures instead. They speak so much better than I do.


  1. Beautiful pictures! I miss the fall and all the cool colors. I'm not so sure I miss the weather turning colder. It's 70 deg right now and I'm looking for a pair of socks and a sweatshirt to put on. Hope you enjoy the rest of your summer!

  2. Thanks, Laurel. I can't take credit for the photos...I stole them off of google. I am trying to ENJOY the rest of summer! I have a hard time balancing the here and now and worries over getting ready for school and excitement over the coming season!
