Tuesday, April 10, 2012


This is the story that I wrote for Amanda. I copied and pasted it from my documents folder.  I'm sorry that the paragraphs and indentations didn't copy and paste correctly, Please read it over anyway and let me know what you think.  I enjoy writing but wonder if I actually have a skill to hone or if it is just a fancy of mine.  This is a very rough draft. I haven't even titled it, yet.  Thanks for reading! Jodie

Once upon a time there was a little girl named Kelly. Kelly had long blonde hair, eyes the
color of blueberries, and a happy face and heart. She was young and still lived at home with her
Kelly had lots of dreams and hopes. One of her biggest dreams was to meet a real, live,
princess and see a fancy castle.
At bedtime one night, Kelly’s Mom read a story to Kelly about a princess named
Caroline the Great and a prince named Jordan. Caroline the Great and Jordan were engaged to
be married.
As Kelly listened to the story, her eyes grew heavy and before long, she was fast asleep.
Her Mom quietly closed the book, gave Kelly one last goodnight kiss and left the room.
Kelly quickly began to dream. In her dream, she was standing along the side of the road
alone at sunset. All of a sudden a carriage pulled up next to her and stopped. The carriage
pulled up next to her and stopped. The carriage was made of gold and was covered in precious
jewels and beautiful red roses. There were six white horses pulling the carriage. Each horse had
braided manes and flowers in their braided tails.
Kelly stood still, filled with shock. Slowly, the carriage door was opened. Sitting on the
bench inside was the most beautiful lady that Kelly had ever seen. Her hair was long and brown
but she had a tiara of jewels and flowers in her hair. It was hard to tell which shone brighter, her
fair face or her crown. Her eyes were the deepest green, like glimmering emeralds.
“Hello, I am Catherine the Great, Princess of Galaland. I am on my way to a royal ball.”
“Would you like to join me?”, inquired the royal princess kindly.
“Oh, your majesty! I would enjoy that very much but I fear that I am not properly attired
for such a grand gathering.”, replied Kelly in dismay.
“Have no fear”, answered Catherine, “for the palace we are gong to has closet after
closet full of fancy dress and my maids will have you ready for the fete in no time at all.”, said
Caroline. With that, Kelly bowed gracefully, and returned, “In that case, I am delighted beyond
measure to accompany you, your highness.” said Kelly.
Kelly climbed into the carriage and sat down beside the beautiful Caroline. As they
traveled along, the two girls chatted happily together and soon became the best of friends, even
though the Princess was much older than Kelly.
They discovered that they both had a fondness of flowers, butterflies, dancing, and
Before long, they arrived at the castle. Kelly let out a quiet “oh” when she saw how
stunning it looked. It was more amazing than she had ever imagined it would be. The outer
facade seemed aglow in the setting sun. It looked as if the walls were covered in jewels. And,
as Kelly was soon to find out, they were.
The castle, of the Palace of Splendor, as I was named, was taller than the loftiest tree. It
boasted 127 bedrooms, 60 bathrooms, and a seemingly uncountable number of other rooms.
The palace floors were made of marble and sounded like a chorus of notes as you walked
along them. It seemed as if the castle was serenading you.
On the walls were exquisite paintings. They made the viewer feel as if they were in an
art museum, not a castle.
The furniture was regal but cozy. Sitting in a chair felt like being wrapped in a
comforting embrace.
There was so much to see and take in. Kelly’s senses were overwhelmed. All at once,
she realized that Caroline was standing next to her, patiently waiting for Kelly to snap out of her
daydream like stare.
“Oh, your highness, everything is more beautiful than I could ever have imagined.”,
gushed Kelly. “Thank you,”, replied Caroline. “I am happy you like it. I have something more to
show you.”
Kelly couldn’t believe that there was more to behold than she already viewed. Would the
surprises ever end? She hoped not.
Caroline the Great, led Kelly down a long corridor. At the end of it were two large
golden doors. When she opened them, Kelly came to realize that she was standing in the
Princess’s own room. There were flowers everywhere. In fact, the room smelled like a garden.
Kelly closed her eyes. A smile slowly formed on her face. Kelly was aware of the Princess
smiling at her, even though Kelly couldn’t see her.
“I thought you might like to try on these dresses.”, Caroline offered. Kelly snapped out
of her daydream and began to try on three beautiful gowns.
The first one was a royal purple color with silver sequins around the waist and up and
down the skirt. The sleeves were puffed. The 2 dress was nd blue, like the Robin’s egg. It was
long and trailed behind her by about six feet. The 3rd dress was gold and white. It made the most
fun swishing noise when she walked. After trying them all on, Kelly picked the 3rd dress. She
wore a matching tiara in her upswept hair. Caroline even brought out a diamond necklace with
matching earrings and bracelet.
“Now, close your eyes. I’ll count to three and turn you around to face the mirror so you
can see yourself.”, Caroline said cheerfully.
Covering her eyes, Kelly waited excitedly. “One, two, three,” “Now, turn around and
open your eyes.”
Kelly gasped with amazement when she saw her reflection in the mirror. There before
her stood the most beautiful princess she had ever seen. Only, it wasn’t a princess, it was her
own reflection and she couldn’t believe it.
“That’s me?”,she asked in amazement. “Yes, that’s you. You look beautiful. But, I
always thought you were, even when you were just standing by the roadside.” , said Caroline.
“Oh, thank you, your highness! I shall never forget your kindness to me!”, replied Kelly.
“It’s time for the ball. Are you ready to your royal debut?”, Caroline asked. “Yes, I can’t
wait another minute! I feel as if I could just fly right out the door!”, exclaimed Kelly.
The ballroom was filled with flowers and fancifully decorated banquet tables. There
were foods and drinks enough to feed more than 1,000 people. Any kind of delicacy you could
have hoped for was there and there in vast amounts.
At the ends of the room, were two stages. One stage held the royal chairs of the King and
Queen, where they now sat, smiling at the festivities.
On the other stage was an entire symphony. The conductor was attired just as regally as
the noblemen and women were themselves.
Along the walls were rows of chairs for those who preferred to sit and watch or simply
for anyone needing a place to rest.
Music filled the air and seemed to dance and sway with the aromas that ascended from
the banquet table. The atmosphere was saturated with joy and merriment.
Royal couple after couple danced past Kelly and Caroline the Great. A voice from
behind jarred their thoughts. “May I be the 1st to greet our esteemed guest?”, the harmless voice
asked. The girls turned to face a handsome young prince. He was taller than either of them. His
hair was thick and curly. It was the color of chestnuts. His eyes sparkled and it was like looking
into a glass of root beer when you saw them.
“This is Prince Jordan. We are engaged to marry next month. Jordan, this is my new
friend, Kelly.”, explained Caroline.
Kelly bowed, as did Prince Jordan. “I’m delighted to meet you.”, she said to him.
“Would you care to dance?”, asked the Prince, turning to Kelly.
“Yes! I can’t believe this is happening! I must be dreaming!”, Kelly gushed.
They spun all around the dance floor together for what felt like hours.
Suddenly, everything went black. Kelly found herself in her room at home and in bed.
She looked around. Gone were the dancers. Gone were the musicians. Everything was gone.
Kelly’s door opened and her Mom walked in. “Did you sleep good, honey?”, she asked.
“Oh yes, Mom! I had the most wonderful dream! It all seemed so real! Come sit down next to
me and I’ll tell you all about it!”, Kelly replied excitedly.
Her Mom began to sit on the bed next to Kelly and quickly popped back up. “Kelly!
What in the world are you hiding under that blanket?”, she said, rubbing her sore back side. .
“What?”, Kelly said confused.
Pulling aside the blanket, Kelly found a gold and white tiara laying there. A note was
next to it that read: “Thanks for a fun time, wear this and think of me. Your friend, Caroline.”
Kelly and her Mom just stared at one another, too stunned to speak. Eventually, Kelly
told her Mom everything that happened in her dream.
Kelly is grown now but she still has that tiara. She remembers the dream often and
wonders if she’ll ever find out if it was merely a dream or something real.
The End.

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