Thursday, May 28, 2009


Eddie had a big meeting at work today. There is good news and not so good news. As many of you already know, the agricultural industry, and their suppliers have taken a big hit w/the current economic situation. Which, is not unlike many other industries right now.

They gave notice that they will be laying off 2o employees. They have also offered roughly 100 employees aged 55+ a lump sum payment of 32k and some change and their full retirement plan if they decide to go. If enough of those ppl opt in then they would make up the 20 employees about to get laid off. Rumor has it that at least 10 ppl are willing to take that route.

They company always does a shut down for about 2 wks at the end of June-July 4th wknd and a similar length btwn Christmas and right after New Years. They notified the employees today that they are extending these by another 4 wks, to be spread out over the course of the year. Eddie has exact dates but he didn't give them to me. He'll be able to collect unemployment for 3 of those 4 wks. He might be able to collect for all 4 wks. He has to find out if he is still active in the system from his last unemployment claim.

Anyhow, just wanted to let everyone know what was going on. If Eddie is one of the 20 to get laid off, we'll let you know. We'll be praying abt it. I know that it'll all be ok no matter what happens. God will take care of us. Worse case scenario, we sell our house and move into something cramped and cheap. But, we'll take it as it comes and see what happens.

I know that we're not the only ones in this boat though, so there is comfort in numbers, right? :) I hope that the economy starts to turn around but w/war seemingly pending in N.Korea, I don't see that happening any time soon.

But, that's another subject altogether.

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