Monday, May 18, 2009

The 'Hood

I had to stay up a little bit later than normal last night to give Amanda her next dose of fever medicine. So, I decided to spend the time in prayer and in the Word. I wanted to share some of my thoughts and ask you all to pray along with me, as it comes to your mind. I do think that God brings things to our minds at times so I'm sure that He'll prompt you to pray when He knows I need it.

It's been impressed upon me that one of the reasons we are here is to be examples of God's love to others. I realized last night that one way we can do that is by being good stewards (BETTER's not been an area of strength in us before) of our time and money so that we have more to give to others.

I have been thinking about this house and I want it to be God's house. I mean, it is God's house but I want to mentally and emotionally view it that way. And, the things in it...all the way down to our food and drinks. And, yet, I know there has to be a balance. I'll explain.

We've had a lot of neighborhood kids around. And, there have been times when my kids wanted to offer them snacks and I'd always find a reason to tell them no. But, really, I was protecting what was "mine" and being concerned about our food supply dwindling to the neighbors, instead of being consumed by us.

Yesterday, Michaela gave a yogurt to a friend that was here playing with her and when I found out, I got angry. I asked Michaela to ask me first next time. Which she should but my response needs to be different.

God spoke to my heart issue last night and basically said, "Jodie, if this food is mine, then you don't need to worry about who is eating it." I realized that I should have been happy to see Michaela sharing w/a neighbor girl, not worrying that I'd have to buy more yogurt sooner than I'd expected to.

I know I have to have a balance of what we give to others and what we keep for ourselves, but I think that perhaps, since everything belongs to the Lord, that He'll make sure we have what we need when the time comes, even if we have shared abundantly with others. I don't know. I'm trying to figure out that balance, I guess.

I'm asking God to give me wisdom w/how/when to reach out to the kids and parents in the neighborhood. I want this home to be a place where ppl can come and be fed and nourished and cared for physically, and spiritually. But, I think that the physical need will be met first. So, I would like to start having kool aid around for when the kids are all here. And, some healthy snacks (and unhealthy ones, too...we all need a cookie now and then). This is where the wisdom part comes in. I need God to tell me how to do this in the way He wants me to. But, I realize that I can't do any of it unless we are being good stewards, first. So, that's another area that we need to work on.

I've been reading through Mark lately and after I finished praying I opened up my Bible and read in Mark 9. It was very fitting that I should have been bringing all these concerns to the Lord previously. Here is what I read; " v 36ff "He took a little child and had him stand among them. Taking him in his arms, he said to them, 'Whoever welcomes one of these little children in my name welcomes me; and whoever welcomes me does not welcome me but the one who sent me."

Up in v. 23 it says, (pertaining to a healing), "If you can? Said Jesus. Everything is possible for him who believes."

I know v 23 was speaking to a doubtful person in regards to a requested healing. But, I know that it extends past that. If I believe that God has asked me to care not only for our own children, but to welcome the other children as well, then I need to also believe that He will direct me in how to do that and will make it possible for me to do that.

Anyhow....that's what God's laid on my heart lately and I would just ask you, as you think of it, to ask God to give me wisdom in being "Mom" to all these children that come across my path and to being a friend to their parents.

If anyone has an words of advice, I'd love to hear them!

Thanks for reading this super long post!

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