I know it might sound strange to some, but I really mean it when I say that I lost my best friend when my dog, Rex died. Right or wrong as it may be, I was, and still am, attached to him. I know that there are some out there that say, "it's just an animal", or "he was just a dog", or still yet, "what's wrong with you that you were so attached to an animal?" All I can say is, he was special and he had a part of my heart.
For me, he was a blessing, a gift from God. Just as my husband, Eddie, and my three children, Michaela, David-Matthew, and Amanda are. Just like my human friends are. Just like every single thing that is a part of my daily life and being are blessings to me. Every good thing in my life, whether furry or otherwise, is a gift.
Rex was special because his love was unconditional. All he wanted was a happy, safe, love filled home, and he had that, and more. He was there for me when I was down. When I was sick. When my children needing comfort or healing. He was there when I needed to get out and walk to clear my head. He went with me to countless places, just happy to be with me.
Who else is ready at the drop of a hat to go for a car ride to who knows where? Who else gets excited about going along on errands? Who else listens to my complaints, feelings, concerns, questions, without showing disinterest or negativity? His companionship and love were boundless. I think that I'm not just mourning the loss of a pet. I'm mourning the loss of acceptance. He accepted me. And, when I look at what I yearn for from others, it's acceptance. Acceptance of my crappy moods. Acceptance of myself as myself....the nitty gritty details of being me. Acceptance of my needs and wants and desires. There was total security in that. There was no fear in that. There was no risk in that. The only risk I had was the risk of loving him and losing him.
There is only one other that can love like that (and more) and that's God. His acceptance of me and love for me exceeds that of Rex's...by FAR. And, I know that. Yet, Rex was a tangible expression of that love and if nothing else, I am glad that I was able to see it lived out because it is just how God accepts me. He accepts me like my dog did.....without question and with an enduring, boundless, endless love.
People fail me. I fail me. That's all part of life. Rex never failed me. If anything, I failed him again and again. What could be a better portrayal of how God loves me. He never failed me, though I failed Him. While I mourn the loss of Rex, I am reminded of why his life was so important to me. I will never be able to replace him but I can examine the life that he and I shared together and find the blessings and the gifts that our time gave me.
Well written, Jodie! Glad you are taking the time to process it all. Sorry for your loss of such a sweet companion. Hugs!