I worked on Sat from 12-5 but afterwards, we decided to make it a movie night. We ate supper while we watched Madagascar and then had some snacks, too. It was nice to chill out together! The kids did a sleepover (w/TRex of course) in Amanda's room and they did pretty well with it! They usually drive us nuts with the loudness but they kept it pretty quiet! I think they were exhausted!
On Sunday, we skipped church and went to Middle Creek. We hiked around for about an 1 1/2 hrs and enjoyed the smells of Autumn! We took butt loads of snacks w/us, which the kids seemed to need every 10 minutes!
After we got home, we all had some lunch and then me and Amanda made some honey cookies. David and Michaela helped a little bit but they spent most of the time playing with their friend, Justin. After the cookies were done, and supper was done, we ended up coloring together and playing Cranium Cariboo. Overall, it was a very nice weekend and it was good to spend some quality time together.
I miss weekends like that. I think I am going to talk with one of the managers at work and see if I can start getting some more day time hours. I've really hated being away from the family at night and the kids feel it, too. My attitude has been really, really, bad lately so it would be nice if maybe I can get some day time hours. The only problem w/that is finding sitters though. It's not an easy situation. I'm trying to look on the positive side but there hardly seems to be one. Anyhow, before I start sinking myself deeper into my funk, I'll end here and go enjoy a cup of coffee.
Thanks for being patient w/me. I know I've not been the easiest person to be around. I don't even want to be around myself! Now, that's bad!
Monday, November 9, 2009
Thursday, October 22, 2009
Tissue, please!
It's that time of the year again and if your house is anything like my house, you have a steady supply of tissues, or toilet paper, right now.
Amanda has been out of school all week w/fever and cold like (or, dare I say it, FLU like) symptoms. Now, today, David is home with 101 temp. and similar symptoms. So far, Eddie and I are healthy. Michaela is, too. I wonder how long the three of us will last? It's my guess that Eddie will be fine until it is time to return to work. Wouldn't that just be how life goes?
I emailed David's teacher and she said that their class has been hit hard. It's a wonder that the schools are even bothering this year. The teachers are going to be teaching the chairs pretty soon.
I hate to say this, but I think some of you will relate. It's sorta nice that David and Amanda are home sick. We'll get a chance to watch a movie together. Drink hot chocolate together. Eat junk (what else is there when you're sick?) and just chill. Sorta a relaxing day. I'm sure I'll be chomping at the bit later after hours of listening to a hacking cough. But, for now, it'll be nice to enjoy our time together. Hopefully, they'll heal quickly and be up and running around soon.
So, in the meantime, pass the tissues, please!
Amanda has been out of school all week w/fever and cold like (or, dare I say it, FLU like) symptoms. Now, today, David is home with 101 temp. and similar symptoms. So far, Eddie and I are healthy. Michaela is, too. I wonder how long the three of us will last? It's my guess that Eddie will be fine until it is time to return to work. Wouldn't that just be how life goes?
I emailed David's teacher and she said that their class has been hit hard. It's a wonder that the schools are even bothering this year. The teachers are going to be teaching the chairs pretty soon.
I hate to say this, but I think some of you will relate. It's sorta nice that David and Amanda are home sick. We'll get a chance to watch a movie together. Drink hot chocolate together. Eat junk (what else is there when you're sick?) and just chill. Sorta a relaxing day. I'm sure I'll be chomping at the bit later after hours of listening to a hacking cough. But, for now, it'll be nice to enjoy our time together. Hopefully, they'll heal quickly and be up and running around soon.
So, in the meantime, pass the tissues, please!
Friday, October 9, 2009
Ch Ch Ch Changes.....
It's been a long, long, long time since I last blogged. It seems like life has been moving along rapidly and my thoughts are being left in the dust, without the chance to really form into a concrete thought pattern.
At my last post, I was interviewing for various jobs. I did finally land a job w/the local grocery store, Weavers Market. I'm now your friendly, neighborhood cashier and bagger. I work evenings until closing, which, depending on the day is either 9 or 10pm. I have been working part of my Sat, too. I just interviewed for another position w/the IU (a corp that helps in the classrooms w/special needs children). So far, that seems really promising. They've actually called and spoken to some of my references already and told my references that they were impressed w/me. We'll see where that goes.
My heart has been twisted in several different directions. I really battled looking for work to begin with because it felt like something was being robbed from me. Eddie and I sacrificed so much so that I could stay home with the kids and this year was supposed to be the year that I got to stay home and wait for my last child to come home from 1/2 day K and spend the afternoon with her. I earned that, after all, didn't I? I was looking forward to coffee w/the other Moms, running errands ALONE, having time with Eddie (since he is out of work still), and spending time exercising, reading my Bible, etc.
Then, Eddie's shut down got extended by a month and it was clear that I needed a job asap. So, I began looking for work. Somewhere in that process, God spoke to my heart and told me how selfish I was being and that really, any time I have off from the kids or duties isn't just my time to do whatever I feel like with it. It's His time. So, I began to consider other ways that I could use my time and realized that working or volunteering would be a better use of any time I had than just soaking it all up for ME. Not that I can't or shouldn't have time for me, but I was making this entire thing about me....which is never good. At that point, I interviewed w/Weavers and landed the evening job.
That ended up being a relief b/c I still have my daytime to do some of the things that I envisioned and can still volunteer in Amanda's class. And, I'm thinking about doing nursing home visitation, too...but I need to see how the IU turns out first. It seemed like as soon as I started asking God what He wanted me to do with my time and I was okay letting go of it, He gave it back to me. How awesome is that?
Shortly after I got the job at Weavers another blow to my heart took place. Amanda was being offered EDK...extended day kindergarten. She needs extra help w/her letters, etc. so after her am K session, she has lunch, recess, and then attends another class for extra help w/a diff teacher and 14 other students. It was hard enough letting my last baby go off to school and grow up more but it was entirely different to let her be gone all day long. I really battled guilt as a Mom...feeling like I failed her somehow. And, feeling like I'd be saying a long farewell to her..sooner than I expected b/c now, instead of seeing her for 1/2 day, I'd see her for about an hour...before I had to go to work.
The next twist in my heart came when I found out, at about that same time, that David was going to be entered in the reading support program. Again, the guilt. I failed him, too. I didn't have him reading enough over the Summer. Now, he had to adjust to going from 1/2 day K last year to a full day schedule in 1st gr this year AND a new reading support program, too. Ugh!
In the midst of all of these changes, I have had to fight against feelings of guilt and loss. Going into the school year, I was prepared to say goodbye to a lot of things. Goodbye to long summer nights chasing fireflies and making smores over the fire pit. Goodbye to seeing the kids and doing things w/them on a random basis. I was also ready to say hello to some things, too. Hello to homework. Hello to less time as a family. Hello to illness. Hello to busy schedules. I knew what to expect. I didn't expect working 20 hrs a wk and only seeing the fam for abt an hr. I didn't expect to say goodbye to family suppers. I didn't expect to say goodbye to reading bedtime stories. I didn't expect to say goodbye to bedside chatter w/sleepy kids. I didn't expect to say goodbye to family fun nite on Fridays. I didn't expect to say goodbye to social Saturdays. I didn't expect having to say goodbye to our youngest child to the full school day. There's a mourning process that takes place when you let go of so many things at once. And, some days I hardly feel it at all but other times, it's a more pressing pain.
I think that there are more changes coming, too. If I take the job w/the IU during the day, it'll bring more changes. When Eddie returns to work, it'll bring more changes. He goes back on Oct 29th. How is he going to handle going to work for 10-12 hrs and then coming home to deal w/supper, homework, scouts, trumpet practice, baths, bedtime? When will we see each other? He will most likely be in bed, or just about in bed by the time I get in. But, I can't focus on that, because it's too far away. We have to take it as it comes. At least I do. I can't ponder on it because it will only discourage me. I can't see the future so I'm not going to imagine that I can see how our lives will look down the road. I just have to mount those obstacles as they come.
As I look ahead to the changes that are coming, I keep reminding myself that God is there in the midst of the changes with us. Just as He's gotten us through every other hard time, He'll give us the strength and the grace to stand up under these times, too. He doesn't always make the situation easier (sometimes He does) but He does promise that you'll have the strength and the grace to handle what you're walking through.
Now that I've finally unburdened my heart and caught everyone up to date, it's time to go accomplish some other tasks. I don't know what you're facing as you read this. But, remember, no matter what it is, life is good. It's not always easy. But it's good. No day is exactly alike. The things you are facing today will vanish. And, most importantly, through it all, God is with you in it and through it...waiting....not forcing Himself in your life, but there if you chose to accept the peace and grace He offers. It's what has gotten me through all of our changes and what will sustain me through the ones ahead.
At my last post, I was interviewing for various jobs. I did finally land a job w/the local grocery store, Weavers Market. I'm now your friendly, neighborhood cashier and bagger. I work evenings until closing, which, depending on the day is either 9 or 10pm. I have been working part of my Sat, too. I just interviewed for another position w/the IU (a corp that helps in the classrooms w/special needs children). So far, that seems really promising. They've actually called and spoken to some of my references already and told my references that they were impressed w/me. We'll see where that goes.
My heart has been twisted in several different directions. I really battled looking for work to begin with because it felt like something was being robbed from me. Eddie and I sacrificed so much so that I could stay home with the kids and this year was supposed to be the year that I got to stay home and wait for my last child to come home from 1/2 day K and spend the afternoon with her. I earned that, after all, didn't I? I was looking forward to coffee w/the other Moms, running errands ALONE, having time with Eddie (since he is out of work still), and spending time exercising, reading my Bible, etc.
Then, Eddie's shut down got extended by a month and it was clear that I needed a job asap. So, I began looking for work. Somewhere in that process, God spoke to my heart and told me how selfish I was being and that really, any time I have off from the kids or duties isn't just my time to do whatever I feel like with it. It's His time. So, I began to consider other ways that I could use my time and realized that working or volunteering would be a better use of any time I had than just soaking it all up for ME. Not that I can't or shouldn't have time for me, but I was making this entire thing about me....which is never good. At that point, I interviewed w/Weavers and landed the evening job.
That ended up being a relief b/c I still have my daytime to do some of the things that I envisioned and can still volunteer in Amanda's class. And, I'm thinking about doing nursing home visitation, too...but I need to see how the IU turns out first. It seemed like as soon as I started asking God what He wanted me to do with my time and I was okay letting go of it, He gave it back to me. How awesome is that?
Shortly after I got the job at Weavers another blow to my heart took place. Amanda was being offered EDK...extended day kindergarten. She needs extra help w/her letters, etc. so after her am K session, she has lunch, recess, and then attends another class for extra help w/a diff teacher and 14 other students. It was hard enough letting my last baby go off to school and grow up more but it was entirely different to let her be gone all day long. I really battled guilt as a Mom...feeling like I failed her somehow. And, feeling like I'd be saying a long farewell to her..sooner than I expected b/c now, instead of seeing her for 1/2 day, I'd see her for about an hour...before I had to go to work.
The next twist in my heart came when I found out, at about that same time, that David was going to be entered in the reading support program. Again, the guilt. I failed him, too. I didn't have him reading enough over the Summer. Now, he had to adjust to going from 1/2 day K last year to a full day schedule in 1st gr this year AND a new reading support program, too. Ugh!
In the midst of all of these changes, I have had to fight against feelings of guilt and loss. Going into the school year, I was prepared to say goodbye to a lot of things. Goodbye to long summer nights chasing fireflies and making smores over the fire pit. Goodbye to seeing the kids and doing things w/them on a random basis. I was also ready to say hello to some things, too. Hello to homework. Hello to less time as a family. Hello to illness. Hello to busy schedules. I knew what to expect. I didn't expect working 20 hrs a wk and only seeing the fam for abt an hr. I didn't expect to say goodbye to family suppers. I didn't expect to say goodbye to reading bedtime stories. I didn't expect to say goodbye to bedside chatter w/sleepy kids. I didn't expect to say goodbye to family fun nite on Fridays. I didn't expect to say goodbye to social Saturdays. I didn't expect having to say goodbye to our youngest child to the full school day. There's a mourning process that takes place when you let go of so many things at once. And, some days I hardly feel it at all but other times, it's a more pressing pain.
I think that there are more changes coming, too. If I take the job w/the IU during the day, it'll bring more changes. When Eddie returns to work, it'll bring more changes. He goes back on Oct 29th. How is he going to handle going to work for 10-12 hrs and then coming home to deal w/supper, homework, scouts, trumpet practice, baths, bedtime? When will we see each other? He will most likely be in bed, or just about in bed by the time I get in. But, I can't focus on that, because it's too far away. We have to take it as it comes. At least I do. I can't ponder on it because it will only discourage me. I can't see the future so I'm not going to imagine that I can see how our lives will look down the road. I just have to mount those obstacles as they come.
As I look ahead to the changes that are coming, I keep reminding myself that God is there in the midst of the changes with us. Just as He's gotten us through every other hard time, He'll give us the strength and the grace to stand up under these times, too. He doesn't always make the situation easier (sometimes He does) but He does promise that you'll have the strength and the grace to handle what you're walking through.
Now that I've finally unburdened my heart and caught everyone up to date, it's time to go accomplish some other tasks. I don't know what you're facing as you read this. But, remember, no matter what it is, life is good. It's not always easy. But it's good. No day is exactly alike. The things you are facing today will vanish. And, most importantly, through it all, God is with you in it and through it...waiting....not forcing Himself in your life, but there if you chose to accept the peace and grace He offers. It's what has gotten me through all of our changes and what will sustain me through the ones ahead.
Monday, June 15, 2009
Job Interview
I have a job interview w/the school district on Mon, 6/22 at 7:15am for a ft special ed. paraprofessional! I have no clue how many ppl are being interviewed. Pray that God's will be done.
Monday, June 8, 2009
Employment Update
Hey everyone!
Eddie called from work today. They found out that 22 ppl have signed on for the early retirement package so we THINK that means they won't be doing a lay off....but we're not 100% sure about that.
In other news, they are shutting down the plant from Aug 17-Oct 5. They are going to kick in some money towards insurance. I think Eddie will get about 70% of his normal pay.
So, it's not looking great. But, I think it will all be okay. We'll just keep doing what we can to save up and be wise. Which means the girls bday party will consist of just pb&j probably and I'll make the cakes. It also means that I really need to find a job, too. So, keep praying about that. I'll be sending out more apps soon.
I'm not really that concerned about it. Maybe I should be. But, we've been through enough rough times for me to know that we'll make it. God will allow us to walk through the tough times but He'll walk through it with us.
Eddie called from work today. They found out that 22 ppl have signed on for the early retirement package so we THINK that means they won't be doing a lay off....but we're not 100% sure about that.
In other news, they are shutting down the plant from Aug 17-Oct 5. They are going to kick in some money towards insurance. I think Eddie will get about 70% of his normal pay.
So, it's not looking great. But, I think it will all be okay. We'll just keep doing what we can to save up and be wise. Which means the girls bday party will consist of just pb&j probably and I'll make the cakes. It also means that I really need to find a job, too. So, keep praying about that. I'll be sending out more apps soon.
I'm not really that concerned about it. Maybe I should be. But, we've been through enough rough times for me to know that we'll make it. God will allow us to walk through the tough times but He'll walk through it with us.
Thursday, May 28, 2009
Eddie had a big meeting at work today. There is good news and not so good news. As many of you already know, the agricultural industry, and their suppliers have taken a big hit w/the current economic situation. Which, is not unlike many other industries right now.
They gave notice that they will be laying off 2o employees. They have also offered roughly 100 employees aged 55+ a lump sum payment of 32k and some change and their full retirement plan if they decide to go. If enough of those ppl opt in then they would make up the 20 employees about to get laid off. Rumor has it that at least 10 ppl are willing to take that route.
They company always does a shut down for about 2 wks at the end of June-July 4th wknd and a similar length btwn Christmas and right after New Years. They notified the employees today that they are extending these by another 4 wks, to be spread out over the course of the year. Eddie has exact dates but he didn't give them to me. He'll be able to collect unemployment for 3 of those 4 wks. He might be able to collect for all 4 wks. He has to find out if he is still active in the system from his last unemployment claim.
Anyhow, just wanted to let everyone know what was going on. If Eddie is one of the 20 to get laid off, we'll let you know. We'll be praying abt it. I know that it'll all be ok no matter what happens. God will take care of us. Worse case scenario, we sell our house and move into something cramped and cheap. But, we'll take it as it comes and see what happens.
I know that we're not the only ones in this boat though, so there is comfort in numbers, right? :) I hope that the economy starts to turn around but w/war seemingly pending in N.Korea, I don't see that happening any time soon.
But, that's another subject altogether.
They gave notice that they will be laying off 2o employees. They have also offered roughly 100 employees aged 55+ a lump sum payment of 32k and some change and their full retirement plan if they decide to go. If enough of those ppl opt in then they would make up the 20 employees about to get laid off. Rumor has it that at least 10 ppl are willing to take that route.
They company always does a shut down for about 2 wks at the end of June-July 4th wknd and a similar length btwn Christmas and right after New Years. They notified the employees today that they are extending these by another 4 wks, to be spread out over the course of the year. Eddie has exact dates but he didn't give them to me. He'll be able to collect unemployment for 3 of those 4 wks. He might be able to collect for all 4 wks. He has to find out if he is still active in the system from his last unemployment claim.
Anyhow, just wanted to let everyone know what was going on. If Eddie is one of the 20 to get laid off, we'll let you know. We'll be praying abt it. I know that it'll all be ok no matter what happens. God will take care of us. Worse case scenario, we sell our house and move into something cramped and cheap. But, we'll take it as it comes and see what happens.
I know that we're not the only ones in this boat though, so there is comfort in numbers, right? :) I hope that the economy starts to turn around but w/war seemingly pending in N.Korea, I don't see that happening any time soon.
But, that's another subject altogether.
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
I used to think that when I didn't hear from my friends, that they were either busy and couldn't find time for me, or that they didn't want to spend time w/me. I realized something though. Sometimes, when a friend is silent, it may mean that they're struggling through something.
I think I have come to rely on FB and email way too much, as a means of keeping up friendships. When I write an email or a wall post, it does let the person know that I am thinking of them, but it can't replace an actual phone call or a face to face encounter. There's just something about actually speaking w/someone that connects you to them and what they are going through. I realized that I use those other means of communication as a way of protecting myself, too. If I post on someone's wall, or shoot them an email, there's less personal investment on the line for me and I don't stand as a high a chance of being rejected....it's a wall...a protective wall. But, I know now, that it not only stands as a wall to protect me, but it stands as a wall to keep me from coming alongside someone and being a true friend to them.
I recently spoke w/someone and found out that they were going through a ton of stuff in the past year and I had no clue. I had FB them and emailed them but had very few conversations. I apologized and said that I had no idea that they needed a friend and apologized for not being there. The person I was talking to said, "sometimes when you are going through a struggle, you don't even think to reach out to anyone." That sat on me like a lead weight. There are too too many times when I view other's people's silence, or lack of interaction w/me as a personal affront, not stopping to think that maybe the reason I don't hear from someone is because they are so deep in the mire that they can't even get their head above the surface long enough to make a phone call to me.
I know that I have friends who will most likely be just my FB buddies or my email buddies b/c of distance or what have you. And, in those circumstances, I'm grateful for the technology to keep us all connected. But, for those friendships that are local and nearby, I realize that I need to start letting my walls down and actually CALL ppl and speak to them... not just use FB or email to stay in touch. I was reminded that in taking the time to talk w/others, I'm allowing them to come alongside me and then I'm able to come alongside them. And, no matter how hard I try, that just isn't something that I can do w/FB and email alone. They are great tools for me...but that's just it...they're tools. And, I've allowed them to replace the realness of relationships w/others.
So, that's what I've learned lately. I hope I allow it to teach me and change me.
I think I have come to rely on FB and email way too much, as a means of keeping up friendships. When I write an email or a wall post, it does let the person know that I am thinking of them, but it can't replace an actual phone call or a face to face encounter. There's just something about actually speaking w/someone that connects you to them and what they are going through. I realized that I use those other means of communication as a way of protecting myself, too. If I post on someone's wall, or shoot them an email, there's less personal investment on the line for me and I don't stand as a high a chance of being rejected....it's a wall...a protective wall. But, I know now, that it not only stands as a wall to protect me, but it stands as a wall to keep me from coming alongside someone and being a true friend to them.
I recently spoke w/someone and found out that they were going through a ton of stuff in the past year and I had no clue. I had FB them and emailed them but had very few conversations. I apologized and said that I had no idea that they needed a friend and apologized for not being there. The person I was talking to said, "sometimes when you are going through a struggle, you don't even think to reach out to anyone." That sat on me like a lead weight. There are too too many times when I view other's people's silence, or lack of interaction w/me as a personal affront, not stopping to think that maybe the reason I don't hear from someone is because they are so deep in the mire that they can't even get their head above the surface long enough to make a phone call to me.
I know that I have friends who will most likely be just my FB buddies or my email buddies b/c of distance or what have you. And, in those circumstances, I'm grateful for the technology to keep us all connected. But, for those friendships that are local and nearby, I realize that I need to start letting my walls down and actually CALL ppl and speak to them... not just use FB or email to stay in touch. I was reminded that in taking the time to talk w/others, I'm allowing them to come alongside me and then I'm able to come alongside them. And, no matter how hard I try, that just isn't something that I can do w/FB and email alone. They are great tools for me...but that's just it...they're tools. And, I've allowed them to replace the realness of relationships w/others.
So, that's what I've learned lately. I hope I allow it to teach me and change me.
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
Hide and Seek, with a 4 yr old.
I was playing hide and seek outside w/Amanda. She cracks me up! I love how she thinks! I had my laundry basket outside. It was her turn to hide. She informs me, "Mom, I'm going to hide under here and you see if you can find me or not." Too funny! Of course, I acted like I had no clue where she was and it wasn't until I nearly sat on the basket that she magically appeared. I love the innocence of her play! I hope she doesn't figure it out anytime soon that she's not supposed to tell me where she's hiding at! It is so much fun to hide from her and pretend to be scared when she yells, "found ya!" I love those moments!
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
Apparently Amanda just has a virus. I wish it would go away. I am looking forward to getting sleep again. But, I have had the energy to do the things that I need to do so I am thankful for that. I just hope that everyone is healthy by Saturday b/c I am really looking forward to having my Mom and Dad and my sis and her fam over for Memorial Day wknd. It's nice to have the space to do things like that now. I wish my brother and his family could be there, but I understand that they have other plans. Happy Early bday, Lucy, btw! :)
I don't have much to say right now. I should be folding laundry but it wasn't dry when I checked on it. I guess I could go hang up some wash though. That's a good thought! :)
Have a good afternoon everyone!
I don't have much to say right now. I should be folding laundry but it wasn't dry when I checked on it. I guess I could go hang up some wash though. That's a good thought! :)
Have a good afternoon everyone!
Monday, May 18, 2009
The 'Hood
I had to stay up a little bit later than normal last night to give Amanda her next dose of fever medicine. So, I decided to spend the time in prayer and in the Word. I wanted to share some of my thoughts and ask you all to pray along with me, as it comes to your mind. I do think that God brings things to our minds at times so I'm sure that He'll prompt you to pray when He knows I need it.
It's been impressed upon me that one of the reasons we are here is to be examples of God's love to others. I realized last night that one way we can do that is by being good stewards (BETTER stewards...it's not been an area of strength in us before) of our time and money so that we have more to give to others.
I have been thinking about this house and I want it to be God's house. I mean, it is God's house but I want to mentally and emotionally view it that way. And, the things in it...all the way down to our food and drinks. And, yet, I know there has to be a balance. I'll explain.
We've had a lot of neighborhood kids around. And, there have been times when my kids wanted to offer them snacks and I'd always find a reason to tell them no. But, really, I was protecting what was "mine" and being concerned about our food supply dwindling to the neighbors, instead of being consumed by us.
Yesterday, Michaela gave a yogurt to a friend that was here playing with her and when I found out, I got angry. I asked Michaela to ask me first next time. Which she should but my response needs to be different.
God spoke to my heart issue last night and basically said, "Jodie, if this food is mine, then you don't need to worry about who is eating it." I realized that I should have been happy to see Michaela sharing w/a neighbor girl, not worrying that I'd have to buy more yogurt sooner than I'd expected to.
I know I have to have a balance of what we give to others and what we keep for ourselves, but I think that perhaps, since everything belongs to the Lord, that He'll make sure we have what we need when the time comes, even if we have shared abundantly with others. I don't know. I'm trying to figure out that balance, I guess.
I'm asking God to give me wisdom w/how/when to reach out to the kids and parents in the neighborhood. I want this home to be a place where ppl can come and be fed and nourished and cared for physically, and spiritually. But, I think that the physical need will be met first. So, I would like to start having kool aid around for when the kids are all here. And, some healthy snacks (and unhealthy ones, too...we all need a cookie now and then). This is where the wisdom part comes in. I need God to tell me how to do this in the way He wants me to. But, I realize that I can't do any of it unless we are being good stewards, first. So, that's another area that we need to work on.
I've been reading through Mark lately and after I finished praying I opened up my Bible and read in Mark 9. It was very fitting that I should have been bringing all these concerns to the Lord previously. Here is what I read; " v 36ff "He took a little child and had him stand among them. Taking him in his arms, he said to them, 'Whoever welcomes one of these little children in my name welcomes me; and whoever welcomes me does not welcome me but the one who sent me."
Up in v. 23 it says, (pertaining to a healing), "If you can? Said Jesus. Everything is possible for him who believes."
I know v 23 was speaking to a doubtful person in regards to a requested healing. But, I know that it extends past that. If I believe that God has asked me to care not only for our own children, but to welcome the other children as well, then I need to also believe that He will direct me in how to do that and will make it possible for me to do that.
Anyhow....that's what God's laid on my heart lately and I would just ask you, as you think of it, to ask God to give me wisdom in being "Mom" to all these children that come across my path and to being a friend to their parents.
If anyone has an words of advice, I'd love to hear them!
Thanks for reading this super long post!
It's been impressed upon me that one of the reasons we are here is to be examples of God's love to others. I realized last night that one way we can do that is by being good stewards (BETTER stewards...it's not been an area of strength in us before) of our time and money so that we have more to give to others.
I have been thinking about this house and I want it to be God's house. I mean, it is God's house but I want to mentally and emotionally view it that way. And, the things in it...all the way down to our food and drinks. And, yet, I know there has to be a balance. I'll explain.
We've had a lot of neighborhood kids around. And, there have been times when my kids wanted to offer them snacks and I'd always find a reason to tell them no. But, really, I was protecting what was "mine" and being concerned about our food supply dwindling to the neighbors, instead of being consumed by us.
Yesterday, Michaela gave a yogurt to a friend that was here playing with her and when I found out, I got angry. I asked Michaela to ask me first next time. Which she should but my response needs to be different.
God spoke to my heart issue last night and basically said, "Jodie, if this food is mine, then you don't need to worry about who is eating it." I realized that I should have been happy to see Michaela sharing w/a neighbor girl, not worrying that I'd have to buy more yogurt sooner than I'd expected to.
I know I have to have a balance of what we give to others and what we keep for ourselves, but I think that perhaps, since everything belongs to the Lord, that He'll make sure we have what we need when the time comes, even if we have shared abundantly with others. I don't know. I'm trying to figure out that balance, I guess.
I'm asking God to give me wisdom w/how/when to reach out to the kids and parents in the neighborhood. I want this home to be a place where ppl can come and be fed and nourished and cared for physically, and spiritually. But, I think that the physical need will be met first. So, I would like to start having kool aid around for when the kids are all here. And, some healthy snacks (and unhealthy ones, too...we all need a cookie now and then). This is where the wisdom part comes in. I need God to tell me how to do this in the way He wants me to. But, I realize that I can't do any of it unless we are being good stewards, first. So, that's another area that we need to work on.
I've been reading through Mark lately and after I finished praying I opened up my Bible and read in Mark 9. It was very fitting that I should have been bringing all these concerns to the Lord previously. Here is what I read; " v 36ff "He took a little child and had him stand among them. Taking him in his arms, he said to them, 'Whoever welcomes one of these little children in my name welcomes me; and whoever welcomes me does not welcome me but the one who sent me."
Up in v. 23 it says, (pertaining to a healing), "If you can? Said Jesus. Everything is possible for him who believes."
I know v 23 was speaking to a doubtful person in regards to a requested healing. But, I know that it extends past that. If I believe that God has asked me to care not only for our own children, but to welcome the other children as well, then I need to also believe that He will direct me in how to do that and will make it possible for me to do that.
Anyhow....that's what God's laid on my heart lately and I would just ask you, as you think of it, to ask God to give me wisdom in being "Mom" to all these children that come across my path and to being a friend to their parents.
If anyone has an words of advice, I'd love to hear them!
Thanks for reading this super long post!
Friday, May 15, 2009
I gave up FB, for various reasons. And, I've given up xanga, too. I am tired of seeing the ads displayed on their site everytime I log in. Ick. Who really needs to see an animated pic of a girl dressed in slutty clothing? Not me. Thanks.
So, I shall try this blogger site. Hopefully, it does not have the trashy ads that xanga did.
Now that I got that out of the way, I'll update all my readers (if there are any) on the Mitchell family.
We've been settled into our new home since April 30th. Well, maybe settled isn't quite the word. But, for the most part we are out of boxes. It's been really neat to learn more about the lady who we bought the house from so I thought I'd shared some of it here.
Her name is Elsie. Her husband is now with the Lord, but his name, I believe was John. He was actually pastor of a church in nearby Terre Hill. Anyhow, they had quite a ministry to their neighbors. Everyone keeps saying how kind they were and how sweet they were. It's really been neat to hear the neighbors give testimony after testimony of the loving, Godly couple and the impact they had on those around them.
I've developed a relationship with Elsie and have come to hear her side of the story about the sale of this house. Again and again, I see the hand of God in placing us here. It's been humbling and extraordinary, too.
The house was on the market for almost a year. After speaking w/one of our neighbors, I found out that Elsie didn't want to sell to just anybody b/c of how nice the neighborhood was. I found it very humbling that she accepted our offer!
While we were praying for God to put us in the house He wanted us in, she was praying that God would sell her house. I think I should type out the letter she wrote to me, in response to a letter that I had written to her. First though, I'll share some of the things that I shared with her.
I had told her that one day I was praying to God about all the things I'd dreamed about in a home. I told Him that I didn't' know if He'd give us those things and I wasn't really asking for them, but was just dreaming. I told Him that we'd be happy with wherever He put us because I was trusting in Him to know what we needed and what plan was best for us. Yet, I did tell Him that I dreamed of a house that had gardens and flowers that you could see from every window of the house. I told him that I thought it'd be so neat to have a house that had a deck w/flower boxes on it and a swing on it. I told Him that I wish it would have 4 bedrooms but we'd be happy just for three. I told Him I wish the house would have trees and a big yard for the kids to play in.
Well, we came to see this house. As soon as we walked in, I knew it. I knew this was the house. I felt like I just came home. It does have 4 bdrms. And, when I looked out from the windows, there were garden beds all around the house. I stepped out onto the deck and it had garden boxes on it. After we walked in the backyard, I saw that there was a bench swing hanging off of the deck. And, there were trees. I couldn't tell for sure what type they were b/c Spring was still, uh, springing. It turns out that one is a dogwood. One is a maple. Which, just so happens to be my favorite type. One is a red maple, or Japanese Maple, not sure which. One is a smoke tree. And, one is a flowering plum. When I realized (and we'd already moved in at this point) that the one tree was a Maple Tree, I almost cried. It was like God had all my favorite things here, waiting for me. Another thing was the color of the upstairs bathroom. The mats, etc that Eddie had bought for me at Christmas time were a perfect match. God keeps showing me time after time after time, all the things that He had waiting here for us and it keeps blowing me away and confirming to me again and again, that He wants us here.
Now, for Elsie's side of the story. It is taken from a letter that she had mailed out to friends and family. She sent me a copy of it w/a few added lines. It goes as follows:
Mar. '09
"Our house on Scenic Drive has been on the market since last April and I have been carrying a bridge loan on it for all this time. An apartment on the fourth floor of our building, facing South with a view of beautiful farmland opened up in November for occupancy in March so I applied for it, without the money to pay for it; over $12,213.20 more than my old apartment. I reminded the Lord to sell the house.
The down payment of $600. was due in mid-November, and I didn't have the money, so I reminded the Lord to sell the house.
A few days before it needed to be paid, our bank, holding all out assets sent me a check for $600. I called and asked what it was for. They checked and said it was their mistake but was from my IRA so to just use it.
The balance due on the apt was due mid-Feb and I knew that if the house were not sold by early Jan 2009, the closing wouldn't be done in time, so I reminded the Lord to sell the house.
At the end of Dec. I got a year end statement from and annuity that I had bought in 1988 and forgot about until each year-end statement. It was for a little over $12,000, just about $20 less than what I needed. So, I called the agent and asked to cash it in.
(I digress here. A close neighbor said one day, let's go furniture shopping. She knew I needed a sofa or something for a guest to sleep on. The first "Re-location" sale was still much too expensive. But on the way home we stopped at a used furniture store and she found a nice sofa, clean, light colored, nice pattern for $149 plus $9 tax. I didn't have the money, but by then I had a little more faith, so I put some money down to hold it.
When I got home, there was the check from the annuity for $12,371.68; the EXACT AMOUNT of the apartment price PLUS $158.48. The sofa plus tax was $158! He hasn't told me yet what to do with the $.40.
On Friday, the 13th, with much help from friends and family I moved up to the fourth floor apartment.
Then God said to me, not out loud of course, "Now Elsie, I think you've learned to trust ME to do things in MY time, not yours."
On Saturday morning, the realtor called and said we have an offer at full price, and I signed the contract."
So, there's her side of the story. While she was waiting on God to sell her house, we were waiting on God to sell our trailer. I don't know why the wait was so long for both of us, but I do know that He has provided for Elsie. He has provided for us. We most likely could not have afforded this house a year ago. In fact, we definitely would not have. Eddie had just started working at CNH at that point. God is good.
I wanted to give you the background of how we came to be here and some of the things God has done to show us that He wanted us here. It's not the entire picture, just a glimpse of it. But, I hope I shared enough to show you the hand of God.
Blessing to you, reader.
So, I shall try this blogger site. Hopefully, it does not have the trashy ads that xanga did.
Now that I got that out of the way, I'll update all my readers (if there are any) on the Mitchell family.
We've been settled into our new home since April 30th. Well, maybe settled isn't quite the word. But, for the most part we are out of boxes. It's been really neat to learn more about the lady who we bought the house from so I thought I'd shared some of it here.
Her name is Elsie. Her husband is now with the Lord, but his name, I believe was John. He was actually pastor of a church in nearby Terre Hill. Anyhow, they had quite a ministry to their neighbors. Everyone keeps saying how kind they were and how sweet they were. It's really been neat to hear the neighbors give testimony after testimony of the loving, Godly couple and the impact they had on those around them.
I've developed a relationship with Elsie and have come to hear her side of the story about the sale of this house. Again and again, I see the hand of God in placing us here. It's been humbling and extraordinary, too.
The house was on the market for almost a year. After speaking w/one of our neighbors, I found out that Elsie didn't want to sell to just anybody b/c of how nice the neighborhood was. I found it very humbling that she accepted our offer!
While we were praying for God to put us in the house He wanted us in, she was praying that God would sell her house. I think I should type out the letter she wrote to me, in response to a letter that I had written to her. First though, I'll share some of the things that I shared with her.
I had told her that one day I was praying to God about all the things I'd dreamed about in a home. I told Him that I didn't' know if He'd give us those things and I wasn't really asking for them, but was just dreaming. I told Him that we'd be happy with wherever He put us because I was trusting in Him to know what we needed and what plan was best for us. Yet, I did tell Him that I dreamed of a house that had gardens and flowers that you could see from every window of the house. I told him that I thought it'd be so neat to have a house that had a deck w/flower boxes on it and a swing on it. I told Him that I wish it would have 4 bedrooms but we'd be happy just for three. I told Him I wish the house would have trees and a big yard for the kids to play in.
Well, we came to see this house. As soon as we walked in, I knew it. I knew this was the house. I felt like I just came home. It does have 4 bdrms. And, when I looked out from the windows, there were garden beds all around the house. I stepped out onto the deck and it had garden boxes on it. After we walked in the backyard, I saw that there was a bench swing hanging off of the deck. And, there were trees. I couldn't tell for sure what type they were b/c Spring was still, uh, springing. It turns out that one is a dogwood. One is a maple. Which, just so happens to be my favorite type. One is a red maple, or Japanese Maple, not sure which. One is a smoke tree. And, one is a flowering plum. When I realized (and we'd already moved in at this point) that the one tree was a Maple Tree, I almost cried. It was like God had all my favorite things here, waiting for me. Another thing was the color of the upstairs bathroom. The mats, etc that Eddie had bought for me at Christmas time were a perfect match. God keeps showing me time after time after time, all the things that He had waiting here for us and it keeps blowing me away and confirming to me again and again, that He wants us here.
Now, for Elsie's side of the story. It is taken from a letter that she had mailed out to friends and family. She sent me a copy of it w/a few added lines. It goes as follows:
Mar. '09
"Our house on Scenic Drive has been on the market since last April and I have been carrying a bridge loan on it for all this time. An apartment on the fourth floor of our building, facing South with a view of beautiful farmland opened up in November for occupancy in March so I applied for it, without the money to pay for it; over $12,213.20 more than my old apartment. I reminded the Lord to sell the house.
The down payment of $600. was due in mid-November, and I didn't have the money, so I reminded the Lord to sell the house.
A few days before it needed to be paid, our bank, holding all out assets sent me a check for $600. I called and asked what it was for. They checked and said it was their mistake but was from my IRA so to just use it.
The balance due on the apt was due mid-Feb and I knew that if the house were not sold by early Jan 2009, the closing wouldn't be done in time, so I reminded the Lord to sell the house.
At the end of Dec. I got a year end statement from and annuity that I had bought in 1988 and forgot about until each year-end statement. It was for a little over $12,000, just about $20 less than what I needed. So, I called the agent and asked to cash it in.
(I digress here. A close neighbor said one day, let's go furniture shopping. She knew I needed a sofa or something for a guest to sleep on. The first "Re-location" sale was still much too expensive. But on the way home we stopped at a used furniture store and she found a nice sofa, clean, light colored, nice pattern for $149 plus $9 tax. I didn't have the money, but by then I had a little more faith, so I put some money down to hold it.
When I got home, there was the check from the annuity for $12,371.68; the EXACT AMOUNT of the apartment price PLUS $158.48. The sofa plus tax was $158! He hasn't told me yet what to do with the $.40.
On Friday, the 13th, with much help from friends and family I moved up to the fourth floor apartment.
Then God said to me, not out loud of course, "Now Elsie, I think you've learned to trust ME to do things in MY time, not yours."
On Saturday morning, the realtor called and said we have an offer at full price, and I signed the contract."
So, there's her side of the story. While she was waiting on God to sell her house, we were waiting on God to sell our trailer. I don't know why the wait was so long for both of us, but I do know that He has provided for Elsie. He has provided for us. We most likely could not have afforded this house a year ago. In fact, we definitely would not have. Eddie had just started working at CNH at that point. God is good.
I wanted to give you the background of how we came to be here and some of the things God has done to show us that He wanted us here. It's not the entire picture, just a glimpse of it. But, I hope I shared enough to show you the hand of God.
Blessing to you, reader.
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