Sunday, March 20, 2011


Today marks the first day of Spring! Yay!!! Welcome Spring! I wanted to have a party to celebrate but David spent much of last night in the bathroom on the seat of the throne, so I'm not sure how much partying we'll be doing. If he is up to it later on, I'd like for all of us to go 0n another hike and enjoy the weather. It looks like we'll be either rainy or snowy, or both, over the next few days so we'd better get out while we can.

I had hoped to make some fun Spring treats but didn't get around to it. Maybe I can find some fun Spring activities for us to do. The web is a good place for that!

Well, I hope you all have a good first day of Spring!! I'm hoping that we'll be outside enjoying the day soon!


  1. At long last, Spring! I could not wait for the warmer temps and now they are supposed to be going down a bit again. Oh well, the temps will be going up and the sun will still shine!

    Hope David is feeling better by now! You could always make spring cookies with different color frosting... like sugar cookies with pink/green/yellow/blue icing in the centers. Yummy!

  2. Ahh...that is a good idea! David seemed better and we went out hiking but by the time we were back he was not doing so good! I guess all the movement got things, er, uh, moving again.
